Dispatch failures

Occasionally an error will occur that causes auto-dispatching to fail. Don't worry! In these cases, we will give you the option to try an auto-dispatch again or to manually schedule the shipment, and also expose the reason for the failure (sent back from the carrier) to you so you can make adjustments before trying again if necessary.

Note: If you use our Xtended Network, you may not see these options and instead see a message that says the support team has been notified and is handling it. You can assume we'll be on the case shortly, but feel free to reach out to Support and confirm if you'd like some piece of mind.

Common causes of dispatch failures:

1. The carrier you selected is having a technical problem (such as their API being down).

2. The carrier doesn’t recognize the city/state/zip combination, usually because they’re using old data (even though they provided a quote based off said data you provided).

If this occurs, you will need to call in your dispatch to the carrier to make sure your shipment is picked up on time.  But, rest assured that we have been alerted and will be researching the issue to find a solution and make sure it doesn't happen next time.

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