What if my carrier doesn't show up?

LTL pickups are never guaranteed, but if the carrier misses your pickup a few days in a row, it may be time to consider your options.

1. Call the carrier.  This will be a good chance to confirm there are no issues preventing them from going to the origin location, as well as to put your pickup on their radar.  You never know, someone may notice there have been misses the last few attempts and put you at the top of the list (although this, like the pickups themselves, is by no means a guarantee).

2.  Confirm you've listed the open and close hours for pickup correctly.  LTL carriers typically do their deliveries first thing in the morning, then move on to their pickups once those are completed.  If your close time is in the Noon-early afternoon range, it may be difficult for them to make it in time.  Please confirm with your customer how late someone will be at the pickup location in order to get the freight loaded, and be sure to pass this on to the carrier.

3.  Change carriers.  Depending on the urgency of the pickup, sometimes your best bet will be to change carriers and give another one a shot at making your pickup.  Perhaps the local terminal for the one you originally selected is backed up or overwhelmed with pickup requests, perhaps they're short on drivers; whatever the case may be, it's important to consider the needs and happiness of your customer.  A change of carrier may be the way to go.

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