How to use Find Anything

In the left-hand navigation column, you will notice a search field titled "Find Anything" below the quote button (pictured below).

This is a helpful tool you can use to, you guessed it, find things in the app.  You can enter a BOL number in this field and be taken to the shipment page, or search the commodity of a particular shipment to bring it up.  The free-text search makes it easy to find almost anything you may be looking for in the app.

Pro-tip: Did you know that you can tab through results without having to reach for your mouse? All you have to do is tab-tab until you are on the results you wish to select. Once there, simply hit enter/return. *If you are working out of MacOS Safari, you will need to an extra step, see below.

  1. Go to Safari Preferences > Advanced and check Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage, or
  2. Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts and check Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls

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