What considerations and info are needed for hazmat shipments?

When shipping hazardous cargo, several additional pieces of information and documentation are required.  See below for a few things you need to be thinking about (in no particular order).

1. Placards - All hazardous shipments greater than 1,000 pounds (mostly applies to LTL - assuming your TL shipments will surpass this mark) require placards to be placed on the outside of the trailer.  What placards are required will be determined by the particulars of the material being shipped.  It is important to ask your shipper and/or carrier if they will have the proper placards for the load before it is picked up. 

2. SDS - A SDS (Safety Data Sheet) provides information about the material being shipped, such as the properties, physical and environmental dangers, protective measures, and safety precautions for the handling, storage, and transportation of the material.  Your shipper should have a SDS if they are shipping hazardous material, and it must be given to the driver along with the BOL.

3. Emergency Contact - Listing an emergency contact on the BOL/shipping documents is a must for Hazmat shipment, but that contact MUST be available 24/7 and able to provide assistance in the event of a spill or contamination incident.  Emergency contact information must include a phone number and company name/registered company name. Please note that the company listed takes full responsibility for the freight if the DOT or emergency response teams calls. If the emergency contact does not answer, or if the number goes to a voicemail or answering service, a fine of up to $50,000 may be assessed to the shipper and/or the person who prepared the shipment paperwork.

4. BOL Requirements - The BOL for a hazmat shipment must include the following (Quote Factory will automatically require this information is you select Hazmat): Identification number (UN# or NA#), proper shipping name, hazard class or division, package group, total quantity, number and type of packages, and emergency contact info.  Below you can find examples of the required fields as they will appear in the app when you book a hazmat shipment.

5. Ask Questions - A good policy for hazmat shipments is to err on the side of too much information rather than too little.  When in doubt, ask!

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