My customer says Quote Factory emails are going to spam. What should I do?

Depending on what email service your customer is using, Quote Factory emails may initially end up in the Spam folder.  If you find that's the case, below are a few tips we've found helpful to prevent this from occurring.

1. Have them add as a contact.

2. From the Spam folder, have them select the email and mark it as "not spam" (or whatever language their email service uses to that effect).

3.  Confirm the email is truly in Spam.  Hey, you never know.  They may be confusing the Gmail "promotions" tab for Spam.  (Probably best to word this one to them delicately, depending on your relationship with the customer.)

4.  Still can't figure it out?  Email us at and we'll do our best to brainstorm with you and help out.

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