How to enter an externally booked LTL shipment in Quote Factory.

If you were able to get an LTL rate you liked better outside of Quote Factory, you can still manage your shipment within the app.  Here's how.

1.  Follow the TL shipment process.  For equipment type select "other", and then type LTL in the additional field that populates.  Enter origin and destination information as normal.  Be sure to enter the quote number you received from your external source somewhere within the shipment (a reference field would work) so you are billed properly.

2. Enter the cost you received from the carrier in the "carrier cost" field, then enter the price you quoted your customer in "customer price".  Book the shipment.

3. Cover the load with the LTL carrier you have arranged your shipment with outside Quote Factory, much as you would with a truckload carrier.

4.  Put your own information in the carrier contact fields.

5.  From here, you can manually manage your tracking updates, and once delivered, add the carrier bill and be able to invoice your customer.

Questions or need us to walk you thru this process?  Email

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