Customer Login

Here's a quick guide for getting your customers access to Customer Login to quote, book and track shipments:

  1. Make sure they're set up as a contact under their respective customer profile in your Quote Factory account (including the email they'll be logging in with).
  2. Send them your Customer Login link, which you can find by going to Settings > Customers > Customer Login.
    1. Tip: If they want to bookmark this page for future use, make sure they do so before logging in. If they bookmark after they're already logged in they may have issues the next time they go to the link. (In the interest of not getting too technical, it will take them to the wrong login page/starting point.)
  3. Once they're at the login page, they will enter their email and receive a login code. After entering the code, they will be directed to their customer-facing dashboard page.

"But hey, how do I know what their view looks like?"

Good question; here's how.

  1. Set yourself up as a contact on a customer account using a different email than your Quote Factory login.
  2. Open an incognito/private window. (This step is important - if you try it in a regular browser window, you'll likely get logged back into your broker account. Save yourself some momentary worry that your customers are seeing all of your pricing information and keep it incognito.)
  3. Run a few quotes and take a look around while realizing how much your customers will love this and how much time it'll save you both.

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