Shipment list improved

More information

We're taking our shipment cards to the next level. Introducing our new data-rich layout that packs more shipment information into each card. Keeping the design clean and easy-to-scan wasn't easy, but we're pretty happy with how it's turned out.

Each card now includes more info on each shipment:

  • Customer price
  • Location company name
  • Coverage leads and the range of quotes already received
  • Carrier cost
  • Estimated delivery date after a shipment has been picked up

Active shipments

But the cards aren't the only thing that's changed. We've also improved the default shipment list. When clicking on Shipments in the main navigation, the first thing you'll see is your list of "Active" shipments, grouped by status. This workflow-inspired view cuts out the noise (like canceled shipments and those long since delivered) and allows you to focus on just the things that matter.

All shipments

You can still toggle to "All" shipments to get to your historical list of every shipment in your account. You can still filter and find any shipment you need. And the new shipment cards means you'll see more shipments on a page at once.

When does it roll out?

We're putting the final finishing touches on it now... so look for a new shipment list within the next week or two.

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