Customizable Rate Confirmations

We've improved how rate confirmations are generated and sent to the carrier. The number one request we heard from our customers was that they needed to customize the terms and fees that show up on the rate con, so we made it happen.

How to customize the Terms & fees

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click Carriers
  3. Click on the new Rate confirmations card
  4. Here you can click on Terms & Fees to customize as needed

We've given you a new default set of Terms & fees that you can customize by adding new bullet points, ordered lists or formatting text (bold, italics, or underlined). If you ever want to get back to the default terms, just click Revert to default at the bottom.

A word of warning, if you update the Terms & fees they will only show up on future rate confirmations. Changes here won't affect old rate cons.

What the carrier sees

We removed the two separate columns that the carrier used to see and replaced it with a single Terms & fees section. This streamlined list should make it easier for carriers to understand all the details they need to ensure a safe and efficient delivery.

Carrier now sees a single list for terms and fees

But what happened to my old table of fees?

Don't worry, we've merged everything for you already. While the old table of fees is gone (if you had any), we've transferred these fees into bullet points. If you had any custom bullet points before, we kept those too. So be sure the new Terms & fees includes all the applicable fees you want to communicate to the carrier, like Detention and TONU.

How to get the new rate con

When viewing a Rate Con document (hint: go to a shipment and click the Rate Con button under the carrier or go to the Documents viewer), you will see a refresh icon below the document preview. If you have a Rate Con in the old format, you can click this icon to regenerate using the new layout.

Remember, because past Rate Confirmations are legal documents between the broker and the carrier, we are only changing the layout for these, not inserting new Terms & fees. If you do want the new Terms, you'll have to drop the carrier and re-assign.

What else has changed on the Rate Con?

The new Rate Con PDF is full of small layout changes that we hope make the document even easier to read and understand. There's a lot of information in these documents and it's important that we communicate as clearly as possible to carriers so that each shipment is as smooth as possible.

Here's some of the things that have changed:

  • Cleaner carrier section that makes finding the carrier and contact information a bit easier to see.
  • New location cards have a similar layout to what you see in the app so it's easier to find out what's being shipped and where it's going.
  • New Terms & fees section has more room and can accommodate longer lists than before.
  • Payment section now clearly reminds carriers where they can email the bill.
  • Included the broker's signature and contact information at the bottom.
  • Better page breaks, for when there are multiple stops or the Terms & fees get reeeeeally long.

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