
How to connect

  1. Go to Settings > Accounting > Factoring.
  2. Set your Fee %. (This is just used for estimates in reporting before you submit the job. After you submit, we retrieve the actual fee % for the job.)
  3. Set your Reserve %. (This is just used for estimates in reporting.)
  4. Copy and paste your Denim API key.

How it works

When you're factoring a shipment with Denim, the BOL will include the Denim Notice of Assignment (NOA) so the customer knows to pay Denim.

After your shipment has been delivered, you will be able to create the job send the documents directly into your Denim account. When you're ready to create the job, click on the "Factoring with Denim" bar on the shipment details page.

It will open a modal that looks like this:

When you're ready to create the job, click Send to Denim .

After you’ve created the job, click the Finish at Denim button to complete the process on the Denim website.

Once that's done, we'll show you the status of the job all the way through to payment.

If you have any questions or want to get started, chat with us in the app or email

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