Itemized charges
Coming soon! We're rolling out this new feature to customers over the coming weeks.
Quote Factory now allows for shipments to have itemized charges.
Brokers will be able to add line items when booking, and use the same UI throughout the app — on the shipment details page, during coverage, and on the bill and invoice views. Itemized charges touches most of our generated documents making it easy to communicate fees to your carriers and customers.
How add itemized charges
- During booking you'll see a new panel at the bottom with a default line item for Freight (line haul)
- Just click + add item to create a new line
- Calculators to help determine cost estimates and customer price
- Margin, Cost plus, and gross profit are now calculated from the total of all line items.
Let the computer do the math
Throw out your calculator watch, our cost and price calculators make booking financials a breeze.
Getting to the cost & price after booking
After booking, we'll show a condensed financials card on the shipment, invoice, and bill pages. This summary shows you the cost and price totals along with profit. To see the individual line items or to add a new one, just click on this card to expand it.
Adding charges to just one side
Sometimes you'll have a charge that you want to record on one side of the transaction but not the other. Do do that, simply leave one side empty and it won't show up on the resulting documents. In the example below, not entering an "Additional fee" price means that this line item will not show on the Customer Invoice (but the cost will show up on the carrier rate con).
Where itemized charges show up on documents
As you enter itemized charges, we'll automatically update these documents automatically:
- Carrier Rate Confirmation
- Customer Rate Confirmation
- Customer Invoice