Multiple vendors

Quote Factory now allows you to add multiple vendors to a shipment... for those loads that require more than just a carrier. When you add a vendor, you'll have the ability to add new line items for those vendor costs, add a bill, and track payments to that vendor. Let's dig in.

We're slowly rolling out this feature to users, but if you want to jump to the front of the line, email and we'll turn it on for you.

How to add a vendor

Adding a vendor can be done from the quote form, book form (creating a new shipment), or on an existing shipment page.

Vendor types

Today we have 5 different vendor types to choose from: Chassis, Crane, Insurance, Transloader, and Warehouse. Interested in seeing more options? Let us know and we can add them.

Add vendor line items

While quoting or booking, you can then add specific line items for each vendor.

Identify vendor

When you've nailed down the specific vendor you're going to use, just click the vendor card to add it. These vendors will be stored for you under the new Carriers section.

Carriers & Vendors

There's also an updated Carriers section where you can find all your added vendors.


Each vendor has a place to upload a bill. These bills offer the same flow as carrier bills do today, meaning: first upload the bill document along with key information, approve the bill for payment, record a payment, then optionally sync that information to a factoring company or accounting software.

On the Bills & Invoices page you'll clearly see which shipments have multiple vendors assigned, and get a high-level view of the status of each.

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